Sep 18, 2016

‘Man Made flood like stituation in Lamka town’

Greater cooperation is necessary to protect the natural drainage systems since there is no renovative plan for improvement of the drainage system in Lamka town.

The natural rivulets or watercourse in and around Lamka town overflowed mainly due to human encroachment. There are no proper drainage systems in the town and localities. Even those which already existed waterway are also encroached to the extend that when a little amount of water flows, it could not accomodate. The problem not only lies with the inefficiency of the civic body but also the unplanned and improper development of the town.

In Lamka town, the absence of proper drainage system is the main causes of flood like situation. Nehru Marg junction in Tedim road is one of the most vulnerable area within the town, a little rain downpour will immediately witness water flowing on the road with silt. Another area where the entire road was usually coup by water is the slope of Tedim road from Police station to Sielmat bridge. The same stituation happens in Bijang junction in Tedim road and Tuibuang bazar junction. These are the place where there is no proper drainage system, the existing drainage system is just enough to accomodate waste water that flows from every households situated by the sides of the main road. At the same time, it is block by waste items like plastics, food item covers and household waste products which was left unattended by the concern authority.

The district administration should look into this very seriously otherwise, this will be a regular scene every rainy season in Lamka and surrounding area.

Looking at the localities around the town, people are so greedy that, enough space for water is not given. The drainage systems is not bigger than one and half feet in width. 

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