Showing posts with label Web page. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web page. Show all posts

Feb 7, 2009

Promoting Your Blog

Image representing Blogger as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

This is in no way a science or guarantee; it's simply a few suggestions with which many bloggers have found success.

Set your blog to Send Pings. When this setting is activated, your blog will be included in various "recently updated" lists on the web as well as other blog-related services.

Activate Your Navbar. Do this and you might start to see the effects right away! One of the features on the Blogger Navbar is a button called NextBlog - click it to visit the next Navbar-enabled blog.

Install Email This Post. If you use Email This Post on your blog, people will be able to forward your posts to friends. This may not have an immediate impact on your site stats but it enables others to publicize your blog for you.

Turn on Post Pages. By publishing every post as its very own web page with Post Pages, you ensure that your entries are way more link-able and more attractive to search engines.

Turn on your site feed. When people subscribe to your site feed in their newsreaders, they're very likely going to read your post.

Add your blog to Blogger's listings. When you add your blog to our listings it shows up in Nextblog, Recently Updated, and other places. It's like opting-in to traffic.

Write quality content and do it well. If your "style" is bad writing, worse grammar, no punctuation, and an ugly design, that might be okay for a niche crowd. But the idea here is to achieve mass appeal, so fix yourself up a bit.

Publish regular updates. Simple: the more you blog, the more traffic you'll get.

Think of your audience. A good way to build an audience is to speak to one in particular. When you keep your audience in mind, your writing gains focus. Focus goes a long way toward repeat visitors.

Keep search engines in mind. There are a few things you can do to make your blog more search engine friendly. Use post titles and post page archiving. This will automatically give each of your post pages an intelligent name based on the title of your post. Also, try to be descriptive when you blog. A well crafted post about something very specific can end up very near the top results of a search.

Keep your posts and paragraphs short. Strive for succinct posts that pump pertinent new information into the blogosphere and move on. Keep it short and sweet so visitors can pop in, read up, and click on.

Put your blog URL in your email signature. Think of how many forwarded emails you've seen in your day, and just imagine the possibilities.

Sumbit your address to blog search sites and directories. People look for blog content at Technorati every day, are you on their list? You should be. Submit your blog's url to Technorati, Daypop, Blogdex, Popdex, and any other site of that ilk you come across.

Link to other blogs. Links are the currency of the blogosphere and it takes money to make money so start linking.

Install a blogroll. It's a very simple yet effective social networking scheme and it has the same result as a simple link if not stronger: traffic! So if you don't have one yet, sign up for a blogroll and get that link-list going.

Be an active commenter. This is in the same vein as linking. Most comment systems also provide a way for you to leave a link back to your blog which begs a visit at the very least. So if you feel inspired, leave a comment or two in your blog travels. It behooves you.



Jan 23, 2009

Seven Reasons to have a Web Site

WWW's Image via Wikipedia
01. Website makes a Global Village

Needless to say, having a web site to promote your activities or ideas is imperative nowadays. The earth is no longer a vast planet. It has become a global village. You can instantly talk to your buddy who is in different parts of the world. Communication and instant intimation is one of the most powerful tools to the road of civilization. The more you intimate, the stronger is your bonding.

02. Identity & Point of Contact Information

Let people know who you are, where you are, and what you do. With a web site you can provide names, numbers, addresses, and directions to allow people to get in touch with you. Without it, people may not know that you even exist.

You can make information available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No matter what time of day or night, anyone can find basic information about you, your purposes, or your organization. activities often comes from people who know you. The Web gives you a chance to pass your identity out to thousands.

03. Today's Yellow Pages

The WWW (world wide web) is the new yellow pages. There are enough activities, organizations, and people now on the web that many people use it as one of their first sources for information. How can the public list you in search directories to be accessible when you don't even have a web page?

Think of the Internet as a huge Yellow Pages with no limitation on the size of your activities/identities. You can supply an unlimited amount of information at your site, such as: store hours, location, etc.

04. Broader Reader Base - One site reaches many audiences.

The world is now global identity awareness and the same site will reach visitors from all over. Your Internet presence exposes you to a greater number of information seekers whether you want it to be locally, regional, nationwide, or worldwide.

05. Valuable Input & Reader’s Feedback

Unlike most forms of advertising or promotional material, the web is not a one-way street. Your web site can allow quick feedback from readers or information seekers. Comments and suggestions are valuable forms of input to improve both your activities and member relations and you can provide forms and an email address to get this input.

06. Valuable Library

Website has become a very important mode of archiving our valuable works. You can archive as many data as possible as per you hosting disk space. Displaying activities or organization pictures greatly impress the readers’ mind. This is one of the powerful tools in pulling people from different world.

07. Expose to the outside world

The world is conscious of identity. People want to expose to the world. There are different mode of exposing, website is one of the best way of exposing who we are and what we are doing. Where we come from and how we conquered the world.

- Copy Right by Blog Owner

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