Showing posts with label Mizo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mizo. Show all posts

Mar 2, 2010

Bridging the Zo people through Music

We all know that music can do great things, music can bridge the gaps and music can build walls. We may think that music is just a kind of entertainment or just an accompaniment to a song. Music rocks and pull the youngsters, give peace of minds to the sorrows, give comforts to the lonely people. So, lets use music to bind us and build a new bond of love.

Recent example, some of the well known and popular Mizo singers in Tutkhawl Zaikhiang did a great job. Some people from Mizoram as far as i have experienced from chatting might not be aware of what Simte language or who and where they are from. It is highly appreciable that the Mizo singers

with lots of difficulties learnt and bring out such a great album. Through this Simte VDO Album, i have a great expectations that there would be certain closeness as well as awareness among us who and where we are.

Therefore, Let Mizo singers often come to Churachandpur and Zomi or Kuki Singers in Mizoram.

Aug 22, 2009

What Mizoram needs at the moment – English Daily newspaper

By T. Zamlunmang Zou, New Delhi

Mizoram, the only Zo govern state in India is full of interesting and beautiful tourist spots. Thousands and thousands of travelers visits this sate every year. This is the place where beautiful festivals and concerts can be observed throughout the year. In-spite of all these attractions and activities, Mizoram is lacking in one very crucial and important tools which is the instrument to expose to the outside world. That is English Daily Newspaper, printed or online.

Another worth noting point of Mizoram is the love of their language. It is a state not like the other Indian states, every residence speaks Mizo language. You may be speaking Hindi, Urdu, Tamil or Marathi, once you landed in Mizoram, you need to learn Mizo, because the local people will talk to you only with their language.

There used to be a joke that every Zo people is familiar with regarding the love of their language by Mizos.

“A Mizo boy who recently come New Delhi went to a shop to buy some eatable, he talk to the shopkeeper in his own language, when the shopkeeper din’t understand, he said, - I thring lutuk (So uncivilized)”

Mizos have a number of daily and weekly newspaper, hundreds of online blogs, unfortunately no English journal.

Mizo Print Media

As written in the Mizoram Govt site, The advent of satellite and cable T.Vs, together with introduction of more sophisticated printing technology and computers have, in a way transformed Media in Mizoram. Their impact is clearly visible in newspapers in terms of contents as well as in terms of appearance. With competition on the rise, the principle of ’survival of the fittest’ trend has seemed to set in particularly in the capital city. From the previous 40 or so number of government approved newspapers, regular circulation of the newspapers have come down to 26 in Aizawl, 9 in Lunglei and 7 in Chhimtuipui districts only. The principal dailies in Aizawl are :- Mizo Aw, Romei, Mizo Arsi, Dingdi, Newslink,Thupuan, Rahbi, Vanglaini, Aizawl Post, Hnehtu, Highlander. Of these, Highlander and Newslink are published in English. The state government has given press accreditation to 77 journalists including press-photographers and T.V. Cameramen. An interesting development, however, is the increase of news magazines lately. News Magazines of sports, music etc. have come up large numbers of about 35 or more in Aizawl. (Courtesy: | For more details about Media in Mizoram, see this MEDIA)

Based on Mizoram Census 2001 Provision Figure, Mizoram has the total population of 8,91,058, where female is 4,31,275 and male is 4,59,783 with the total area of 21,087 Sq Kms where its literacy rate is 88.49 comprising of 8 District, 26 Block, 23 Sub – Division and 3 Autonomous District Council is lacking in English daily newspaper.

The demand for English Daily Newspaper from the states like Mizoram and the rest of the North East state is very high. It is mainly due to the mass migration of the students to other states. It is also, one of the best way to expose our needs, developments, regions and talents to the Indians in particular and the wirld in general.


Feb 15, 2009

One of the Zogam.Com's comments on UKLF Decrees saying "Zomis constitute mainly only Paites". My response

Zou cultural troupe in full traditional attireImage via Wikipedia

I am one of the many regular commentator on Zogam.Com. I love this site and sometimes contribute articles related to Zomu nationalism and others. I was so shocked when I come across one member's comment, saying "Zomis constitute mainly only Paites" on the news item "UKLF Decrees" about Zoumi Nami Festival. I was so sad when I saw the above quoted line while I think the Zous, Simtes, Vaipheis, Koms are also apart of Zomi. I was convinced that I should pen down at least a paragraph or two about the Zou's sacrifices.

I guess the above paragraph might confuse you. I am going to talk about the Zou tribe in particular. The Zou tribe in India is previously known with the organization names such as United Zomi Organisation, Zomi Sangnaupang Pawlpi and Zomi Youth Organisation. It is the Zou people that always cherish and carry on the name of the Zomi in India. The Zou people, if they are all like me, must be very proud to have sacrificed their age-old organisations for the sake of brotherhood among the Pu Zo descendants.

I guess our ancestors Pu Zo must be very proud of the Zou people, who were not ashamed of their name even when the others, who are unaware of the belonging called them in any ugly remarks. The Zous are the only tribe in India who braced and accept Zomi as their nomenclature. The Zou people used Zomi as their name from 1953 (see UZO Reports here ). By that time most of the present Zo people (Zomi) except the Zous were ashamed to be called Zo or Zomi. You know why? Because they did not know their whereabouts and origin.

Oncce I Was Called Zomi, Now Zou

Once I was called Zomi Sangnaupang Pawlpi, but now I am call Zou Sangnaupang Pawlpi, Once I was called United Zomi Organization, but now I am call United Zou Organization. Once I was called Zomi Youth Organization, but now I am call Zou Youth Organization. Once I was called Zo naptol, now, everyone is fighting for the name of Zo. For a short sighted visionaries, the changing of these age-old names might be hard to embraced, but when they come to know the real meaning of it, they are proud to sacrificed their belongings for the cause of brotherhood.

One very big question

If we really realized we are the descendants of our ancestor Pu Zo, why don't we accept the already existed names for our apex body? United Zomi Organisation was initially form to be the single administrative umbrella of the Zomis in the world. That is why UNITED was added. If it is only for the Zou people, no need of putting UNITED. The founding fathers of the UZO had given the name UNITED for all of us. My point is, if we really realized and accept the name Zo or Zomi, why cant we just accept United Zomi Organisation and our apex administrative body. From the beginning, If there is any proposal in this regards, I hope the Zou people who can sacrificed would not hesitate to do so. It shows that there is something in our Zomism/ Zominisation or Zomi Nationalism.

Now and Then

The Zomi movement of Pu. T. Gougin era and the present era have so vast differences in terms of existence and aims and objectives. The Zomi National Congress which has reached every nook and corner of the Zogam/Zoram, and which movement has been recognized as an ideal movement by multitude of the so called Zo hnahtlaks (Zo descendants) was founded for the sole purpose of uniting all the Zo descendants of the world. It was well accepted by the Chins of Burma, Zomis of India, Kukis, Mizos, Hmars, etc. It was even accepted and helped by the Indian Government. It has its offices in Manipur, Mizoran, etc. But, there were some people who did not accept the movement, but now realized the importance and try to invent (or have invented) a movement of their own to replace the age-long movement, instead of reviving/restoring the age-long movement. You know why?

Zolengthe.Net & ZouWorkshop shows

The current movement is not a popular support on the part of the Zous, but supported by some high ranking politicians for their personal gains. This is proven by the fact that 91% of the anonymous voters of the Zou Workshop Forum and 81% of the anonymous voters of the Zolengthe.Net disapproved the Zomi movement (before some sort of customary compromises has been made). This shows how painful were the hatred and annihilation that has been injected in the hearts and minds of our people. The movement is not a popular support, but supported by some of our politicians for their personal gains.

2007 & 2008 Zolengthe Survey

We are settling with different tribes and in different localities, villages, districts, states and nations. To put this in a very compact format, we are living in different localities of Lamka - New Lamka, Zomi Colony, Zoveng, Kamdou veng, Tuibuang, Nehru Marg, Simveng, Hmuia Veng, Chiengkon, Phailien, Zellang veng etc. If we want to belong to either side of the very opposing forces, we will suffer a blow from the other side of the tribe. Support Zomi council; your people is going to suffer in Kamdou veng, Tuibuang, Sugnu road area, Chandel, etc. Support Kuki movement; your people is going to suffer in New Lamka, Simveng, Beulahlane, Teddim road area, Guite road area, etc. Therefore, the best option for the minority Zou tribe in Manipur is ....................................... (I leave it blank to be fill in by the readers).

Note for readers: This article should not be taken in the opposite or negetive sense. I am just jotting down what I had observed and dispersing my humble thoughts. I pray that, this article might serve as that of an important corner stone for the completion of Jerusalem wall.


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Dec 18, 2008

Zolengthe.Net opinion poll result conducted an opinion poll on the choice of the nomenclatures which are being imposed on the Zo decendants by a foreigners. These nomenclatures are known as Kuki and Chin. On the other hand, the Zomi and Mizo are in a vice versa arrangement. The question of the poll goes...

Which nomenclature is politically acceptable in your opinion?

Amazingly, out of 52 opinions, 46 percent consisting of 24 votes opined Zomi as the best acceptable nomenclature for the Zo people. Sisteen votes (31%) go for Mizo and 9 and 3 votes for Kuki and Chin.

ZLT Opinion Poll result
ZLT Opinion Poll result

ZLT Opinion Poll total votes
ZLT Opinion Poll total votes

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Nov 6, 2008

Chin, Mizo, Zomi or Kuki- Which is the most politically acceptable identity for the Zo?

The first and foremost thing to do is, properly digest the terms of the nomenclatures which were given to the Zo people by several great scholars of the world. Only then, we would be clear which one is acceptable. I am not trying to convince this or that is the most acceptable. It totally depends on you. Here are the terms:


The term 'Zomi' meaning, Zo+mi 'Zo People' is derived from the generic name 'Zo', the progenitor of the Zomis. Mizo is the reverse of Zomi. Pu T. Gougin quoted "it should be Zomi not Mizo, because when God created the universe. He starts with the earth and only then human being. Therefore, Zo should come first and mi should follow suit"


As already mentioned, in Burma the Zomi are known as Chin. It has since become a matter of great controversy how this terminology originated. In this respect many scholars advanced different theories. B. S. Carey and H. N. Tuck asserted it to be a Burmese corruption of the Chins word “Jin” or “Jen” which means man. Prof. F. K. Lehman was of the view that the term might be from the Burmese word ‘Khyan” which means ‘basket’, saying,

“The term ‘Chin’ is imprecise. It is a Burmese word (khyan), not a Chin Word. It is homologous with the contemporary Burmese word meaning basket”.

Implied thus is that the basket carrying inhabitants of the Chin Hills bordering the plain Burmans are Chin.


Probably the first recorded used of the name “Kuki” appeared in the History of Tripura as early as 1512 AD . During the reign of Tripura Raja Dhanya Manikya (around 1490 AD), it was pointed out that, wild race called Kukees live Thannangchi Forest of Tripura. Yet the origin of the word itself is most obscure. The colonial historians divided the Zomi under two names, i.e. the “Kuki” and the “Lushai”. This was clearly demonstrated in the writing of Rawlins. In his paper published in the Asiatic Research Vol. II, p.12 he called the people “Cucis” or “Mountaineers from Tipra” by adopting the name used by the Bengali and Assamese when referring to the Zomi of Chittagong Hill Trace and Tripura Hills. Colonel John Shakespeare clubbed them together and called them “the Lushai-Kuki Clans”.

After reading all this findings, I guess you are clear enough to decide which of the following Nomenclature is politically acceptable?

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