Showing posts with label Kamzakhup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kamzakhup. Show all posts

Sep 10, 2019

Senpan momnou zuo melmu khalou


1. Senpan momnou Zuopa mel mukha lou,
Tuunnu anglai a kilbang ka khang khie;
Zuopa anglai ah khatvei beh bual khalou,
Kumsawt lungtai theilou kana'n kamang,
Sahmel tongkup theilou ka velvel zong,
Kei di'n lunghel kan sang e.

Zuopa'n tuong nei nuosie mun muong theising,
Vangkhuo limlien sausuon daidam ta e;
Tunnnu toh tuonglam sabang kavai maw uh,
Zuopa anglai ah khatvei beh buol leng aw.

2. Zuopa ang a buolte ka en man in,
Lunggu ah luonhi luong la kabang lou;
Ka ka awgin la koima'n hole chilou,
Thuoptu neilou khan khuo liangvai na'ng e;
Kum khuo kihei zel zong ka Zuopa la,
Lai valeng vang chizong lung a gellou.

3. Sienmang iitna saang in hoina lawm e,
Guol toh tangbang kim in aw ahing siem;
Saulim nunnuom ah chiin-le-tuoi senkawi toh,
Tuunnu vang lim lien ah naubang nui in,
Zuopa tung guolzawlna tuibang luong in;
Kei tung azong hing luong e.

La phuo: T Zamlunmang Zou
Lakai bawl: JK Manlun
Lasa: Lammin Lianzo

Jun 21, 2011

A Tribute to my Beloved Father on Father's Day

As I was thinking about writing a tribute to my Dad, I thought — How can I say a few words that do justice to all of the years of love and strength that Dad gave me? I hope that the real tribute to Dad will be the actions of my lives — that I am a testament to the love and lessons that he instilled in me!

As I’ve been thinking about my Dad this past week, finally coming to grips with the inevitable, I thought “How can I tell a story of my Dad that conveys the message of what his love and strength has meant to me. Like my Dad, I guess I’ll do it by telling a story whose underlying message teaches the lesson of his life to me.

Had my dad been alive, how will the world looks;
Had my dad been alive, how will I look at the world.
Had my dad been alive, where would I be;
Had my dad been alive, what would I do?

Oh, Dad! I wish you could have hold your life till today,
Oh, Dad! I wish I have a dear daddy to be my side;
Oh, Dad! When I see young kids holding and running by their dad’s side,
I wish you are still alive to hold me tight.