Jun 21, 2016

ZOLENGTHS vis-a-vis M. THANGSUANSANG ZOU (UPSC 2015 rank 915)


Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in Civil Services Examination 2015 result apuonna ah Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS), Central Services Group ‘A’ leh Group ‘B’ adingin candidate 1,078 recommend ua, tuate M. Thangsuansang Zou  s/o M. Haulianthang Zou of V. Bethel, CCpur, Manipur in written total mark 1750 apat 641 mu a, interview total mark 275 apat 192 mu in 41.14% tung a, rank 915 na ah pangpha hi. 

Innlam leh Delhi kikal a kikhaw zatzat a abuoilai tah leh akipahpi ding khuoi vaitung bang vengvungte kal ah Zolengthe in M. Thangsuansang Zou houlimna tomkim kineipi a, a hunmanpha ang piezieh in a tungah lungdamthu i gen ahi. Houlimna International ham English in sim vai le:

ZLT - Zolengthe
MTZ: M. Thangsuansang Zou

ZLT: Can you please share us your family background?
MTZ: I come from a humble family with limited means. My parents are uneducated. But these limitations don’t stop me from pursuing my dreams. My parents are adamant to ensure that I get the best education facilities. They are always ready to sacrifice anything to pay for my education. We sold our house and even our farmlands for this purpose. I cannot recalled a single time when we are late to pay tuition fee. For this I am indebted to my parents.

ZLT: Please share us your student life, from the grass root level to college life in detail.
MTZ: For all I know I went to school at late age but good academic records propel me to finish high school in about 8 years. Some of the notable students I have gone to are Geljang Govt. High School, Zomun Mission School, St. Edmund’s School (Lamphelpat), Agape High School (Sangaikot), JN Nazareth English High School (Phaibem).

  • Matriculation (2006): St. Paul’s Institute (1st Division)
  • 10+2 (2008): Rayburn College (1st Div, Top 4 Arts Stream)
  • Graduate (2011): St. Stephen’s College, DU (2nd Div)
  • LLB (2014): Campus Law Centre, DU (2nd Div)

ZLT: Who or what inspired you to go for civil service and why no other job?
MTZ: For me civil service has always been sort of a childhood dream. But who really pushed me forward was my cousin brother and mentor UMuan (Lalmuanlian who is currently working as Inspector of Income Tax, Hyderabad) who welcomed me in Delhi (2008) and gave me the impetus. Moreover, what really inspired and motivate me throughout my preparation was the zeal to serve the public especially the poor and downtrodden as I belong to that category. I thought if I can give hope to someone by my service or by my life itself, then that would be my greatest contribution to society, to mankind at large.

As for other job, I have cleared a bunch of services in defence and judiciary but it is civil service where my true calling is (at least this is what I thought).

ZLT: Please share us about your optional and mains papers while doing UPSC CS Exam and why did you choose them? Is this your first attempt?
MTZ: With the change in UPSC Exam pattern in 2013, one can opt for only one optional paper and has to give four compulsory GS papers in addition to Essay in the Mains Scheme of Examination. For me I choose Political Science as it is one of my graduation subject and I have been mentally prepared to opt this subject. Moreover it is the subject which I have studied since my matriculation and I have developed a great deal of interest in the subject. However, the disappointing part is that since I have studied the subject on my own and had no expertise help in any manner, I scored poorly in my optional and this is the main reason for my low rank. I hope to rectify the same in my next attempt if opportunity presents.

As for number of attempts, I have attempted non-seriously while studying LLB. As such it is my 5th attempt but my first serious attempt though 

ZLT: Can you share us how you prepare, study routine and other activities during the preparation. 
MTZ: I have been preparing half-heartedly since my graduation but my real full time preparation starts after I completed my LLB Course around October 2014. Literally I devoted 24 hours a day towards civil service preparation. I slept 6 hours a day and divided the rest of the day for exercise, study, writing practice, classes and daily chores. I took a weekend off once in a while to re-energise. I didn’t have any fixed study routine or study hours. Usually I fixed my next day schedule before sleep depending on the requirements and tried my best to stick to it. My study hours range between 2, 3, 4 hours to even 10, 11, 12 hours again according to the requirements. 

As current affairs is an integral part of preparation, I study the IAS newspaper THE HINDU (I read the first page compulsorily and the editorials unless the articles are irrelevant to CS Exam). Moreover I listen to AIR news and opinion analysis on FM Gold (9:00 – 9:30 PM) daily.

ZLT: How did you prepare for the interview?
MTZ: In addition to daily newspaper reading and listening AIR news, I did some research on my home state – Manipur, Northeast and International Relations. Moreover I attended few mock sessions and discussion with friends. But the most important thing in this last leg of preparation is prayers and the constant reminder as to why I want to become a civil servant. Thankfully I had a quite decent interview and pretty high score.

ZLT: Please share us some of the interview questions and how you response?
MTZ: Let me share you my full interview transcript which i have prepared earlier. Here you go.

Afternoon Session (I was the last candidate on that day)
Board: PK Joshi (new board)
Duration: 30-35 minutes
After waiting for more than 2 months, I still have to wait the whole day for my slot. It was nerve wrecking but I try to remain calm and confident by recollecting all the prayers and the efforts I have put in. Its 4:40 pm and the guard usher me into the room.

ME: May I come in Sir? (Chairman nodded). Good afternoon Sirs, good afternoon Ma’am.

CHAIRMAN: How should we pronounce your name?

CHAIRMAN: You must have a nickname?
ME: Yes sir, it’s the last word of my name – Sang.

CHAIRMAN: So Sang, there are some agreements which are expressly declared void by law. Can you name them?
ME: Yes Sir, there are agreement in restraint of marriage, agreement to do unlawful act, agreement to do impossible act, contract with minor, agreement in restraint of trade, etc.

CHAIRMAN: Is there any exemption in restraint of trade?
ME: Sorry Sir, I cannot think of any exemption at the moment.

CHAIRMAN: What is free consent?
ME: A consent given voluntarily without any undue influence, fraud or misrepresentation.

CHAIRMAN: What is the difference between fraud and misrepresentation?
ME: Fraud means a person has wrongly conceal a fact from the other person whereas misrepresentation means a person has present a wrong information to be true.

CHAIRMAN: Can misrepresentation be converted into fraud under any case?
ME: Sorry Sir, I am not aware of any such case.

CHAIRMAN: Can you explain the statement, “A person is the best person himself to transfer a good”?
ME: Sir, it means the person himself is best suited to transfer or sale the goods himself without any alias or behalf since any doubt on the genuineness of the transfer falls on him directly.

CHAIRMAN: OK, You completed your LLB course in 2014 and since then devoted yourself towards preparing for civil services. Is that true?
ME: Yes sir that is true.

CHAIRMAN: So, where did you stay the whole time, at home or Delhi?
ME: Sir, I gave my prelims and mains in Delhi. Other than that I stay at home. So, almost half of the time I am at home, the rest in Delhi.

MEMBER 1 (lady member): It says in DAF (Detailed Application Form) that you charge Rs. 200 only for home tuition. Is another zero missing?
ME: No ma’am, actually I don’t want to take any fee but since in our culture when someone provide a service, something must be return big or small, so I took it as a token and not a fee.

MEMBER 1: OK, let me come to foreign policy of India. Around two years back, India and China reopen a trade route after 1962 War, what is the trade route?
ME: Ma’am, it is the Silk Route in Nathula pass, Sikkim.

MEMBER 1: Right, since then it has been reported that China is enjoying a favourable trade in that pass and this has contributed to the burgeoning trade deficit. What is the reason?
ME: Ma’am, the reason is that while China is able to bring their cheap products to the trade route, we are unable to bring our favourable goods to that point.

MEMBER1: Why are we unable to do so?
ME: Because of connectivity issues.

MEMBER1: See, we have a jigsaw type of relation with China – sometimes we are cordial, other times we are in conflict. What is India’s stand on South China Sea dispute?
ME: Ma’am, earlier we took a very liberal stand – that of peaceful settlement of the dispute but since USA President Obama visit in January 2015 and the joint declaration that followed, we have hardened our stand – that of freedom of navigation, overflight and settlement of the dispute under UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on Laws of the Seas).

MEMBER1: If you go to a police training academy you will be taught many laws. There is one case – A kill B and C cuts the body of B into pieces. Is C guilty of an offence and if so, under what section of IPC?
ME: Ma’am, I have no doubt that C is guilty but I cannot recall the specific section.

MEMBER1: What is the unemployment rate of Manipur?
ME: Ma’am, I don’t know the exact percentage but it is very high.

MEMBER2: You have studied in St. Stephen’s College and then Campus Law Centre. Why don’t you pursue a lucrative legal career instead of civil services?
ME: Sir, I have never intended to become a lawyer or a magistrate or a judge. The reason why I pursue law is because I was fascinated by law and I think that during the course of my LLB, I will gain the required maturity to become a good civil servant.

MEMBER2: Two ladies from Manipur are making news these days. Who are they?
ME: Sir, they are – Mary Kom who is nominated to Rajya Sabha recently and Irom Sharmila who has been on hunger strike against the imposition of AFSPA.

MEMBER 2: What is your views on AFSPA?
ME: Sir, the security situation in Manipur is such AFSPA is still required in many parts because on the good side AFSPA has kept in check the free movement of insurgent groups and thereby prevent harassment of poor villagers by insurgent groups. But…. (I was about to argue for amendment in section 6 or repeal in some areas but cut short by another question)

MEMBER2: How many Special Category States are there in India?
ME: Sir, 8 NE States plus J&K, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. So 11.

MEMBER2: What privilege do they enjoy?
ME: Sir, they received 90 % of the Central financial assistance as grants.

MEMBER2: Despite receiving such enormous funds, why has the insurgency problems continue in NE and J&K barring Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand?
ME: Sir, the problem is that these states are interested in the financial package rather than solving the real problems.

MEMBER2: (unconvinced by my answer) I am asking you why?
ME: Sir, the reason for according Special Categories States are tribal population, economic backwardness, low density population, border areas and not insurgency problems. If insurgency is one of the reason then these states might deserve even higher concessions (laughter).

MEMBER2: What is the recent controversy between RBI and Government about?
ME: Sir, it is about how much power RBI must exercise in monetary policies.

MEMBER2: Is the Government trying to give more powers to RBI?
ME: No Sir, the Government is trying to take away some of the power of the RBI.

MEMBER2: How? Has it been resolved?
ME: Yes Sir, for now. Recently the Government and RBI enter into a Monetary Framework Agreement whereby the sole basis of RBI Monetary Policy is to achieve inflation rate of 4% plus minus 2%.

MEMBER2: So, who will decide our interest rate now?
ME: Sir, the RBI will still control interest rate through its bi-monthly monetary policy like repo rate.

MEMEBER2: Should the Government take more powers away from RBI?
ME: Sir, I think the agreement is enough. Taking more powers will make RBI a weak body.

MEMBER3: I have seen in our subjects that you have taken science, maths, zou. What is this zou subject?
ME: Sir, it is my tribal language taken in lieu of Manipuri and Hindi as part of promotion of tribal literature. In fact, I topped in 10 + 2.

MEMBER3: If you are posted as DC in Manipur, what will be your top priority?
ME: Sir, I will ensure that all the schemes are implemented properly because while I am in Delhi or during the course of my civil services preparation, I came across almost hundred schemes but when I reached my village, the only scheme I heard is MNREGA. If these schemes are implemented properly, it will uplift the poor and downtrodden.

MEMBER3: What about Mid-day meal schemes?
ME: Hardly Sir. In fact, few years back, ready to eat food for children were provided in villages with the tag ‘Not for sale’ but were sold for Rs. 80-100. These things pains me.

MEMBER3: Of all the schemes, what will you focus?
ME: Sir, it will be the education sector.

ME: Because I have seen through my life how education can transformed a person.

MEMBER3: If an army personnel commit an offence in a civilian area, he is tried by army court and not civil court. Is it justified?
ME: Yes Sir, it is justified. Because there is no demarcation as to where is civilian area and defence area. Moreover, a civilian is responsible for his own act personally whereas if an army personnel commit an offence, the responsibility falls on the commanding officer.

MEMBER3: Will a civilian and army personnel be given the same punishment for the same offence?
ME: No Sir, it will depend on the judges. Moreover, armies are governed by the Army Act, 1950 where they have court martialled system whereas civilians are governed by CPC, CrPC, IPC, etc.

MEMBER4 (smiling guy): OK Sang, recently Namphalong bazar in Moreh town was burnt down. Is trade going on over that border area?
ME: To my knowledge, yes sir.

MEMBER4: The Act East Policy has benefited India to an extent. Has is benefited Northeast? After all, it is initiated to benefit NE.
ME: Sir, it has benefited small traders to a great extent because they were able to purchase cheap products from Myanmar and sell it to other areas to earn sizable profit. I personally knew many such traders. But in terms of the security dimension which we wanted, it has not deliver any substantial gains.

MEMBER4: How can we improve it then?
ME: Sir, if we can build a military cooperation with Myanmar, then they can flush out the insurgent groups operating from Myanmar soils much like what Bangladesh and Bhutan has done with regards to Assamese insurgents.

MEMBER4: In Manipur, you have the Meetei UGs, Kukis UGs and Naga UGs. The situation is very complex. Is there a way out? Can we ever solve these problems? How?
ME: Sir, most of these groups are under umbrella organisation. Firstly we must disarm them through SoO Agreements and use various pressure to stop their extortion networks. Once that is done, we must intensify the pace of economic development and employment opportunities. The idea is to make these groups unattractive or irrelevant because today if you give any youth a choice between choosing a gun and an apple laptop, I am sure he will choose the laptop.

MEMBER4: So, what should be given more emphasis – military or development to solve these problems?
ME: Sir, there must be some pick up between military and development because military solutions without economic empowerment will not last long and vice versa.

MEMBER4: Will the Nagas and Meeteis ever see each other eye to eye?
ME: Sir, the Meeteis and Nagas have historically enjoy a cordial relationship but because of increasing awareness of rights and the vested interest at play, they have not been in the best of terms lately and it will take a great efforts for them to see each other eye to eye again.

CHAIRMAN: There is one Rani from NE who fought against the British along with freedom fighters. Can you name her?
ME: Yes Sir, she is Rani Gaidinliu.

CHAIRMAN: From which state? Which tribe?
ME: Sir, she is from Manipur, Naga tribe.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Sang. Your interview is over.
ME: Thank you, Sir. (Acknowledge other members and left).

ZLT: Which cadre did you opt for? Can you please tell us why and why not other cadre?
MTZ: I opted for my home state – Manipur. The reason is simple- I believe charity starts at home. Manipur is facing serious complex issues and problems. It is in dire need of good governance and if I can help contribute to solving the problems, it will be a privilege and an honour. As for other cadre I am open to working anywhere in India (in fact I have studied outside Manipur for 8 years and have a good rapport with my fellow Indians from other states) but given an opportunity I will start at home.

ZLT: In case you didn’t get IAS, will you accept the other, also will you still keep trying for higher ranking?
MTZ: My low rank predicates that I will not get IAS this time. Yes, I will accept any service offer to me because it will provide me financial stability and the launch pad to try again. Indeed I will attempt at least twice or thrice to get IAS not because of the prestige it comes with it but because it provide an opportunity to serve the society at a larger canvas.

Thank you

Copyright by ZOLENGTHE - Connecting the Zo people

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