Showing posts with label prairie chicken. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prairie chicken. Show all posts

Sep 18, 2007

Are you a prairie chicken or an eagle?

A brave hunter while hunting in the forest, he found an egg that has been laid in the forest by an eagle. Not being able to return an egg to an eagle’s nest which is high above, the next best thing he can do was bring home and put it in the nest of the prairie chicken. The result is predictable. Not noticing anything very different just because of one additional egg, the hen sat on this eagle’s egg, which is among the chicken eggs. By and by, the little eaglet was hatched alongside the prairie chickens. All its life, the young eagle, thinking he was a prairie chicken, did what the prairie chickens did, eat what they eat and walk like one of them. He scratched in the dirt for seeds and insects to eat. He clucked and cackled. Flew like the chicken, unaware of his ability to do so.

Years passed, and the young eagle grew to be a very old bird. One day, he saw a magnificent shape far above him on the cloudless sky. Hanging with graceful majesty on the powerful wind current, it soared with scarcely a beat of its strong golden wings. Unaware of his identity and abilities, “what a beautiful bird!” said the (prairie chicken) eagle to a neighboring prairie. “What is it?” and the neighboring chicken replied, saying, “That’s the eagle – the chief of the birds, but don’t give it a second thought, you could never be like him.” So, the misplaced eagle never gave it another thought. And it died thinking, he is prairie chicken. 

Opps! How sad! Had he been taught that he was an eagle, he would have been flying in the sky like his fellow eagles. Have you ever think/heard of this short story. It’s a very challenging. You and me, like the misplaced eagle have the ability to fly high, but unaware of our ability makes us lived like the eaglet chicken. Now, we should not forget that we are made to be an eagle that is to fly with different colours.

Written by Tungnung Zamlunmang Zou