Showing posts with label StumbleUpon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label StumbleUpon. Show all posts

Jan 17, 2009

Tell a friend | One button redifines sharing

Dear friend, I hope you would be interested in telling your friend about your writings. Here I found one easy and handy way of doing so. and (collectively referred to as "Site") owned by Pramati Technologies, Inc., ("Company") helps you to use Tell-A-Friend widget on your website or blog. Your use of Site will be subject to these Terms of Use below. We ask that you read these legally binding Terms of Use carefully before you select 'accept' because if you breach any of these Terms of Use, your authorization to use Site automatically terminates. If you do not agree with these Terms of Use please discontinue use of the Site services immediately. Site reserves the right to change or modify these Terms of Use, such change or modification will be effective upon the posting of new terms on the Site. You agree to be bound by any such posted changes. It is important that you review this Agreement regularly to ensure that you are aware of any changes.

Implement in minutes You really don't need much technical expertise to use it on your blog. Bloggers and web administrators can do it in minutes. Login, customize (using a guided wizard), and add your code snippet to your site. That's all.

Versatile embedding of Tell-a-Friend Easily embed Tell-a-Friend in most blogging platforms and popular Content Management Systems (CMS). Currently supported platforms are: Wordpress engine, (free accounts as well), Blogger/Blogspot, TextPattern, JRoller, TypePad, Movable Type, Drupal, Joomla, Pligg, Mambo, and OSCommerce.

Highly customizable You can quickly customize the button type and size, the widget look and feel, the announce message per service, and the behavior of the widget. You can quickly choose from the wide range of buttons, select the widget color scheme, edit message templates apart from other changes that suit your site.

Light, speedy and compact Imagine using a widget that is light, loads faster than others, doesn't burden your site's performance and yet offers you a compelling UI which is liked by one and all. That's Tell-a-Friend.

Inviting button and intuitive user interface Everyone understands Tell a friend; buttons are designed to catch user attention. Mouse over on the button shows the range of services to communicate.

Sharing goes beyond bookmarking Unlike other sharing utilities, Tell-a-Friend stands unique to give you a single button which enables both one-to-one personal recommendations and social broadcasting. Tell-a-Friend is the only sharing widget to support Instant Messengers (chat) and personal messages to friends on social networks. That's clearly the best of word of mouth marketing rolled in one.

One-to-many broadcasting through social sites Sharing through social bookmarks, blogs, Content Management Systems (CMS), microblogs, and social networks is only possible through Tell-a-Friend.

Over a 40 services through which you can reach out to friends:

Email GMail, Yahoo! Mail, MSN/Windows Live Mail, Type Email Address.

IM Y! Messenger, GTalk, MSN/Windows Live Messenger, AIM.

Blogs WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, MovableType, Xanga, Expression Engine, Joomla, Drupal, Textpattern

Social Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter,, FriendFeed, MySpace

Bookmarks, Digg, Slashdot, Technorati, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Yahoo! Buzz, Google, Blinklist, Facebook, Newsvine, Furl, MySpace, LinkedIn, Propeller

Go local. Make referrals more personal. Have Tell-a-Friend in the language of your site. Give your community of users the power to share and recommend your site and its content in their local language.

Analytics to monitor activity Find out how your viral campaign is doing through the usage statistics of your Tell-a-Friend account. Get details of the number of announcements made, which service is most popularly used, the spread of the usage of the various channels, and also daily, weekly and monthly usage trends.

Addressing privacy concerns Tell-a-Friend can access your contacts list from any of the services. However, usernames, passwords, and contact lists are not stored on our system or shared with anyone. Tell-a-Friend is also unique in transparently showing you a preview of the email that your friend will see before you send it.

Secure and scalable service Tell-a-Friend is hosted on Amazon's AWS and care is taken for it to be secure and scalable. Currently several thousands of sites are served and millions of messages have been announced.

Branding Tell-a-Friend to match your site Skin your widget, button and email template to look native to your site to give your user a seamless sharing experience. Don't lose the opportunity to promote your brand with each announcement that users make from your site.

Context-rich messages = Effective referrals Let users share a specific search result, a favorite movie, a liked product, or an interesting news story rather than just generic information about your site. As a publisher, give them more opportunities to share and help them make their announcements a lot more engaging and alluring for their friends.

Incentivize inviting friends Tell-a-Friend can power viral campaigns for product launches and other promotions. Enable rewards/loyalty programs, invite 'n' win contests. Give your users more reasons to spread the word.


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